A Whitby Private Investigator cyber background check is just one of the multiple research services a Cyber Investigator will perform in Whitby Ontario. Performing a cyber background check will consist of discovering or verifying historical facts regarding a Whitby citizen, or sometimes a Whitby organization.
Contact a Whitby Investigator to request a background check
However, background checks in Whitby are often conducted on citizens for the purpose of employment screening for local businesses. The amount of time a background check takes will be dependent on how deep the check goes. Background checks in Whitby can involve researching criminal history, credit history, social media presence, past education, employment history, references, and a Whitby resident's personal history. These cyber background check investigations often occur at a desk and utilize the internet (cyber background check) in-conjunction with multiple phone calls.

Whitby Background Check Databases
A big part of performing a Whitby background check will involve verifying a citizen's past history using databases accessed by Whitby Private Investigators, some paid databases and also free to use ones. A Whitby Background Cyber Investigator typically uses a paid Ontario government database to access information regarding criminal history. However, just simply discovering Whitby court records is usually a service that the ON government jurisdiction offers for free. However, with a Whitby Private Investigator service, those records can be found much faster. Often, a Whitby Private Investigator will lookup a citizen's ON court record for free and resort to paying for a criminal record check if court records are found.
This is a task that a Whitby PI can do faster and at a lower cost than the average person.
Unlike searching for court records, a credit history check will often require the Cyber Investigator to pay for accessing the Ontario database that holds financial records.

Whitby Background Check: Phone Calls
When conducting a background check on a Whitby citizen, an Ontario Private Investigator will often perform a fair amount of phone calls if the client requests. This happens a lot when verifying educational degrees or employment history. Often, the Whitby Cyber Investigator will contact the educational institute via phone and validate the degree with the school's records department. However, some ON universities and colleges protect these records. In this case, the Whitby Investigator will have to contact the Whitby resident who is the subject of the background check and get them to contact the ON post-secondary institution themselves in order to access this information. The Whitby citizen will then be asked to request an educational transcript from the school and get the school to mail it to a Whitby address of the Investigator's choosing. This will mitigate tampering of the records document. As with education, researching Whitby references will also require phone calls. The Whitby Cyber Investigator will have to validate that the references are who they say they are and contact them in order to hear their opinions on the subject of the check.
Whitby Background Research: Using the Internet as an Investigative Tool
Lastly, and often the largest part of a Whitby background check, the Whitby Investigator will utilize the internet/ Google as an investigative tool to research the subject's personal history:
Obviously, searching social media platforms will be an important part of this Whitby background check process.
However, a lot of information can be found on a resident outside of social media. There could be many mentions of the person on various websites. Many people have a rudimentary grasp on searching the internet via Google. An average person could find a few pieces of information when searching on the internet. However, a skilled Whitby Cyber Investigator will be able to find all relevant information and be able to accurately verify and document it properly. This is why, even with a simple background check task, an experienced and skilled Whitby Cyber Investigator should always be utilized.
Our Whitby Background Investigation Services
Civil history
Whitby Domestic investigations
Corporate & limited partnership searches
Credential verification (consent required for personal)
Criminal history
Bankruptcies, liens & judgments search
Business license
Business name search
Driver history (consent required)
Education verification
Employment verification
VIN searches
Media searches
Multinational searches
Death records searches
Officers/ directors records searches
Personal reference verification searches
Landline Whitby phone number searches
Professional license verification
Whitby property ownership searches
Toll free number searches
Whitby vehicle and vessel searches