Surveillance Investigations
Our surveillance Investigators provide expert surveillance investigations in Toronto ON by leveraging technology and decades of experience.
Surveillance in Toronto

Mobile Surveillance
Multiple (usually two) Toronto Surveillance Investigators offer the ability to better control the Toronto city surveillance environment, while better anticipating the Target's movements in various scenarios.
Furthermore, multiple Toronto Surveillance Investigators lower “Heat” which allows closer surveillance of the Target with more regularity.
One of the challenges that multiple Toronto Surveillance Investigators can pose is logistics and communication during a surveillance operation.
The use of two or more Toronto Surveillance Investigators takes the pressure off of what is normally accomplished with a single Private Investigator during surveillance.
However, when a client authorizes a team of two or more Toronto Surveillance Investigators for a surveillance operation in the city or Ontario in general, that client’s expectations are elevated along with their desire for results.
So, on one hand the Toronto Investigators understand that a Toronto surveillance team is easier, if prepared.
On the other hand, clients generally do not understand surveillance and with two or more Surveillance Investigators they certainly do not want to hear “we didn’t get video” or “we lost the subject.”
Lead Toronto Surveillance Investigator
The lead Toronto Surveillance Investigator can be one of several things:
the most senior Investigator,
the manager of the specific surveillance file
the Toronto Surveillance Investigator with the visual of the Target.
The later would, of course, alternate.
Filming the Target
Filming, at one given time, is done by one Toronto Surveillance Investigator unless specifically requested or the surveillance evidence is compelling enough to justify multiple angles to offer a wider range of information.
This is done to avoid overlapping video, which is typically not wanted. To avoid this, it will be decided among the Toronto Surveillance Investigators, who has the point or the eye and who will film at that time.
Surveillance Communication in Toronto
Two-way radios offer the ability for multiple Toronto Surveillance Investigators to communicate instantly during surveillance in the city of Toronto.
However, two-way radios can have poor range or limited battery life. Toronto Surveillance Investigators typically find that two-way radios are not dependable during mobile surveillance, due to the ever-changing obstacles that interfere with the radio.
Cellular service is available almost everywhere and very cost effective, making it the preferred communication tool for surveillance in Toronto or any city in Ontario.
Two-way radios are effective in areas where cellular signals are weak or not available. If required to use two-way radios, be equipped with extra batteries and a backup radio for each Toronto Surveillance Investigator. If communication needs to be active and available at all times, the success of the surveillance file depends on the constant ability to communicate.

Toronto Surveillance "Comms" Protocols
The Toronto Surveillance Investigator with lead visual (The Eye) of the Target must communicate to the other Toronto Surveillance Investigators key pieces of information while in active mobile surveillance in the city:
The compass bearing (north, south, east, & west)
Street, Ave or Hwy name and or #
Which lane (centre lane, middle lane, curb lane etc)
·Every cross street they cross
·The cross-street’s traffic control system, or lack thereof
·The colour of the traffic light and its freshness – when will it change and what is its current state
The Target's driving habits
Confirm who currently has the eye – This practice should be communicated regularly as to not have other assume anything. The surveillance team needs to act and respond as one unit, if the surveillance is going to be highly effective.
Future planned tactics
Have the second Toronto Surveillance Investigator(s) repeat back the statements. This insures the second Investigator correctly received the information and understands.
Maintaining Mobile Surveillance in the City of Toronto
Multiple Toronto Surveillance Investigators allow for more avenues of travel in the city of Toronto to be covered during mobile surveillance, resulting in less potential for Heat.
This is done by different Toronto Surveillance Investigators positioning themselves for possible turns during surveillance in the city.
This way, the Target turns into a direction that a Toronto Surveillance Investigator is already headed in vs changing direction with the Target.
There is also the advantage of changing the Toronto Surveillance Investigator who has lead visual or who might need to be directly behind the Target.
This is typical in large cities, such as Toronto, with heavy traffic and congestion. This will allow the Surveillance Investigator with the lead visual fall back out of view of the Target, reducing heat on them.